Update from the Farm
Making hay is quite the process. After the severe drought of 2023, we decided to purchase hay equipment this year. Our chemical-free pastures are fertilized by our non-GMO layers and broilers.
Our first baling in early June went great with sunny weather for two weeks. We had plenty of time to cut, fluff, rake, and bale.
Last week, after processing our meat birds, we planned to make hay again. Thankfully, we only cut 15 acres out of the planned 40 because we learned a hard lesson: never bet against the weather.
We fought the rain since Monday, raking hay repeatedly, and finally gave in after wild storms made it impossible to finish baling.
It was a tough week, but we learned a lot about haymaking and our equipment.
Thank you for your continued support and understanding. We'll keep you updated on our progress and look forward to sunnier days ahead.
The Credo Farms Team