Why pasture-raised poultry?

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Pasture-raised poultry refers to chickens that are raised in an outdoor environment, rather than being confined in a barn or a cage. There are several potential benefits to consuming pasture-raised poultry that are believed to be good for your body, including:

  1. Higher in nutrients: Pasture-raised poultry is often higher in nutrients like vitamin E, beta-carotene, and omega-3 fatty acids, compared to conventionally raised poultry.
  2. Lower in harmful substances: Pasture-raised poultry is often lower in harmful substances like antibiotics and growth hormones, which can be found in conventionally raised poultry.
  3. Better for the environment: Pasture-raised poultry has a smaller carbon footprint than conventionally raised poultry, as the chickens are able to forage for their food and receive more natural light and exercise.
  4. Better animal welfare: Pasture-raised poultry generally have better living conditions and are able to engage in natural behaviors, such as foraging, dust bathing, and perching.

It's important to keep in mind that these benefits may vary depending on the specific practices of the farmer and the conditions of the pasture. Some studies have suggested that pasture-raised poultry may have some health benefits, but more research is needed to fully understand the impact of pasture-raised poultry on human health.

Overall, pasture-raised poultry can be a good option for people who are looking for a more natural and sustainable way to incorporate poultry into their diet.

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